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Thursday, March 2, 2017

Review: Heartless

Heartless Heartless by Gail Carriger
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Not bad, but running out of stuff now. Alexia's becoming the kind of person you'd want to avoid at all cost - whiny, irritating, meddling, always getting herself into trouble rashly and then needing to be rescued, and with absolutely no regard for anyone 'common' - maybe it's meant to be immersive, but there's a thing as going too far. It just comes out as really classist.
The Lefoux storyline was decent, but the ending and the apparently 'neat resolution' with all loose ends tied up kinda felt... forced. Not right. I liked Lefoux. Now she's been turned into a weird caricature of herself to fit the storyline, to make the reader more comfortable with the storyline, where literally everyone gets displaced except Alexia, who gets exactly what she wants.

So... guess the title is truer than I expected.

Reminds me of an ex.

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