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Saturday, August 11, 2018

Review: Nightwise

Nightwise Nightwise by R.S. Belcher
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Nightwise is so Constantine it's hilarious. I can't imagine how RS Belcher forgot the trenchcoat, unless Jim Butcher had already appropriated it for Harry... either way, you end up with a prose version of John C. who out-Constantines Constantine, with added blood and gore and bites of reality and plot points that I honestly can't pinpoint but know have come up sooner or later in some Hellblazer: HauntedHellblazer series.
And it is still fantastic. You don't expect it to be, given the above, but it's really good, fast, readable, and a protagonist that skims just this close to being an actual villain and still remains empathetic, identifiable-with.
Why not that last star? The ending felt... off. Incomplete. Unsatisfying. There should have been more, somehow, more action, more drama, more... things. Given all that came before to get here, it was not up to the bar set earlier.

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